The Cure for Weakness

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but you are weak.  Why?  Because strength training has fallen out of favor.  You probably don’t do it.  I’ve been lucky enough to meet some very knowledgeable people who have taught me the methods and benefits of strength training.  I’ve tried it and I’m better for it so I thought I would share…

Crossfit, and specifically for me, the talented coaches at Hyperfit USA, are bringing back strength training.  As with many fundamentally sound practices, the core principle of strength training is simple.  The only way to get strong is to lift something heavy.  There are five basic movements that will make us all healthier if we practice them:IMG_5517

1) Press (or overhead/shoulder/military press as it is commonly known)

2) Squat (a full squat, not a half squat)

3) Deadlift

4) Clean and Jerk

5) Snatch

These five movements, and maybe even just the first three, will make you a happier, healthier, more productive person.  You might have heard, or tried, the latest “core strength” craze.  I think that all of the new “core” exercises are more complicated than they need to be and they don’t always help you build strength in your arms and legs.  If you do the five exercises I mention above, you will gain core strength (no huge beachball required).  Notice that all of these movements are done when you are standing up.  Your “core” is what keeps you from falling over when the weights get heavier.

A word of caution however, find a good coach and learn how to do these movements correctly.  These are all very safe exercises but only if done correctly.  If you live near Ann Arbor, come to Hyperfit USA.  If you don’t, find a Crossfit gym or a USAW club.